- Is training required?
- How much does it cost?
- How long does the training take?
- What training do you offer?
- When are training sessions offered?
- What size of classes do you offer?
- What are the requirements for certification?
- What are the regulations on Mobile Equipment?
- How old do you have to be to attend the training?
- Is a driver’s license required?
- Does certification expire?
- Can operators be recertified?
- What credentials do you provide?
- Who is the trainer?
- How do I contact Reach Safe Training?
- What method of payment do you accept?
Q: Is training required?
A: Employers requiring any employee to operate mobile equipment must ensure that they are adequately trained in the safe operation of that equipment.
Reach Safe Training provides IVES certified training and documentation to comply with the various regulations.
(2) A person must not be authorized to operate a machine or piece of equipment until the person has been adequately instructed and trained, and has demonstrated an ability to safely operate it.
Worksafe BC OSH Regulation 16.4
16.4 Competency of operators
(1) A person must not operate mobile equipment unless the person
(a) has received adequate instruction in the safe use of the equipment,
(b) has demonstrated to a qualified supervisor or instructor competency in operating the equipment,
Worksafe BC OSH Guideline G16.7 (j) 1
Q: How much does it cost?
A: Training program costs are dependant on equipment type. Please see Training Programs for current prices (applicable taxes are not included in the costs). |
Q: How long does the training take?
A: Training time is depend on class size and trainee experience. Standard class sizes of 6 to 8 operators can generally be completed in one day. A typical training day starts about 8 AM with the theory and testing portions taking up the bulk of the morning. A lunch break is provided (usually 30 minutes).
The afternoon portion accounts for the practical evaluations and starts out with a hands on machinery pre-trip inspection procedures. Practical evaluations are then completed on an individual basis. Experienced operators may be evaluated 1st and can expect to complete their individual evaluation in 20 - 25 minutes.
Once an individual finishes their practical evaluation their attendance is complete.Operators with less experience, or who require further training and practice will be allowed additional time. |
Q: What training do you offer?
A: Reach Safe Training offers training on the following types of equipment:
Q: When are training sessions offered?
A: Training sessions are available on an ongoing basis, dependant on demand, and can be arranged based on customer need. The further in advance we are notified will enable us to better accommodate employer and operator requirements. |
Q: What size of classes do you offer?
A: Usual class sizes are between 6 – 8 operators. Smaller and larger class sizes can also be accommodated.
Please contact us to make arrangements. |
Q: What are the requirements for certification?
A: Successful certification requires trainees achieve a minimum 70% score on the final theory test and a passing score on the practical evaluation. |
Q: What are the regulations on Mobile Equipment?
A: Worksafe BC’s Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Regulation
Part 16 Mobile Equipment
Regulations in Canada vary from province to province depending on the specific requlations of the safety authority in that province. Regulatory authorities reference a number of industry standards within their regulations. See question #1.
Worksafe BC Regulations and other industry Standards website links are available through our LINKS page |
Q: How old do you have to be to attend the training?
A: No age requirements exist, however trainees should be of an age to be employable in the industry. |
Q: Is a driver's liscence required?
A: A valid driver’s license is not required, unless, the operator is required to operate equipment on public roadways or a valid driver’s license is specified by employer policy. |
Q: Does certification expire?
A: All forklift operators are required to be refreshed and re-evaluated at intervals not exceeding three years after general training or previous re-training. Aerial Lift operators, due to recent changes to regulations and standards now require a refresher and re-evaluation not exceeding 5 year intervals. Skidsteer loader operators at present do not require mandatory re-certification. |
Q: Can operators be recertified?
A: Yes, recertification programs are available for both forklift and aerial lift operators. These are condensed versions of the general training. The purpose is to refresh operators on the safety and operational procedures, and to inform operators of any changes and updates to previous training. Recertification, like general training also requires passing a written exam, and undergoing a brief hands on demonstration of competence using the applicable type(s) of equipment.
Recertification should be completed prior to the expiration of existing certification. If Reach Safe Training did not conduct general training or previous re-training, copies of documents [written exam and evaluation form(s)] must made be available to us confirming that the operator has undergone the general training.
Q: What credentials do you provide?
A: A documentation folder is created for each trainee containing industry standard compliant documents, showing dates of training and evaluation, trainee test scores and make and model of equipment operated during evaluation, original copies of written tests, all completed evaluation forms, a personalized certificate of completion as well as a personalized wallet card.
Reach Safe Training also retains records of all documentation generated during the training session.
Each trainee is provided with there own Operator Reference Manual. |
Q: Who is the trainer?
A: Please see about us. |
Q: How do I contact Reach Safe Training?
A: Please see contact us. |
Q: What method of payment do you accept?
A: Cash, Cheque, Visa, Mastercard, Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT), Direct deposit all accepted. |